Electrical Deficiencies
Per current accepted trade practices, electrical wiring should be connected using a junction box
Per current accepted trade practices, opening(s) in the main service panel should be covered with listed filler plates.
The sub panel was manufactured by Federated Pacific. These panels have had been problematic in the past. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if the panel is functioning properly and a licensed electrician should evaluate this panel prior to closing to determine any necessary repairs or corrective action.
Per current accepted trade practices, exterior switches and receptacles should be protected using a weather tight cover.
Per current accepted trade practices, electrical wiring should be connected using a junction box.
Per current accepted trade practices, each ground wire terminating at the buss bar in the sub panel should be separately secured under a bus bar screw, unless manufacturer’s directions indicate differently.
Per current accepted trade practices, the use of a breaker in the sub panel for more than one circuit poses a safety hazard.
Per current accepted trade practices, the use of a breaker in the sub panel for more than one circuit poses a safety hazard.
Per current accepted trade practices, exterior switches and receptacles should be protected using a weather tight cover and be GFCI protected.
When a wire with white insulation (neutral wire) is used in the sub panel as a “hot wire”, it should be properly identified as a “hot wire” and not as a neutral wire.
Per current accepted trade practices, opening(s) in the sub panel should be covered with listed filler plates.
Per current accepted trade practices, electrical wiring should be connected using a junction box.
The sub panel was manufactured by Federated Pacific. These panels have had been problematic in the past. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if the panel is functioning properly and a licensed electrician should evaluate this panel prior to closing to determine any necessary repairs or corrective action.
When a wire with white insulation (neutral wire) is used in the main service panel as a “hot wire”, it should be properly identified as a “hot wire” and not as a neutral wire.
Tap on service in the sub panel.
Per current accepted trade practices, the use of a breaker in the sub panel for more than one circuit poses a safety hazard.
Per current accepted trade practices, electrical wiring in a junction box should have a proper cover.